Happy December!


This was such a great picture and quote posted on Instagram by danawfulton that I just had to repost it here. It reminds me to be grateful that I have access to God’s Word and also to communicate with Him through prayer and reading the Bible.  Today I am hoping to hear if I got the job I interviewed for a couple of days ago.  We are so close to reaching the bottom of the barrel with food, toilet paper etc… and paying the electric bill and I have no money coming in to help pay for these things.  But I have enough for today and tomorrow so I am reminded, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matt. 6:34)  So today I will do some cleaning up and try to figure out if we are having trouble with the septic tank.  We have a terrible smell and I cannot find a reason why.  That is enough for today for me to deal with.  So I will ask God to help me handle today the way He wants me to and to see everything the way He sees it.  That will help me keep it in perspective and not be too overwhelmed.  I am grateful that I can strive to think this way because it gives me hope and reminds me that I will survive this.


Grateful for friends....


Grateful for peace....